Doctor Silas Kanyabigega, PhD.

Dr. Silas is also Engineer Radio TV-HFI.

Dr. Silas is an ordained Minister of The Free Methodist Church USA

He is the Chairman of International Movement for Christ

He is the Dean and the President of IMC Theological Seminary

Dr. Silas is the Owner of Kwizera Yesu TV. https://www.youtube.com/c/KWIZERAYESUTv

He has written and published some books:

True Faith :

https://www.westbowpress.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/739499-True-Faith https://www.amazon.com/True-Faith-Silas-Kanyabigega-Dmin/dp/151276664X/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Silas+Kanyabigega&qid=1657090962&sr=8-2

Kwizera Yesu: https://www.amazon.com/KWIZERA-Yesu-Kristo-Silas-Kanyabigega/dp/B0849VLSCY/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=Silas+Kanyabigega&qid=1657090470&sr=8-3&asin=B0849VLSCY&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1

Les Charismes Spirituels a la Lumiere du Nouveau Testament, cas des Eglises au Rwanda; https://www.amazon.com/CHARISMES-Spirituels-Eglises-Rwanda-French/dp/1517709636/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=Silas+Kanyabigega&qid=1657090174&sr=8-4&asin=1517709636&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1

La Predication Centree sur Jesus Christ:

Amateka y’ u Rwanda mu Iyobokamana: https://www.amazon.com/Amateka-Rwanda-IYOBOKAMANA-Silas-Kanyabigega/dp/B086PMZP6N/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2YMW3D0M2PCH&keywords=Silas+Kanyabigega&qid=1657088975&sprefix=silas+kanyabigega%2Caps%2C49&sr=8-1

Dr. Gabriela Pickett, PhD. is the Director of the International Education of the International Movement for Christ/ THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY

Dr. Gabriela Pickett is the Director of International Education at the Lynda A. Cohen Center for the Study of Child Development (laccscd.org) where she conducts research and trainings in Spanish for mothers with newborns.

As Vice-President of the International Cities of Peace she serves as Representative to the United Nations Department of Economic & Social Affairs Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.

Dr. Pickett serves in the Dayton Public Schools Board of Education where she works to improve the educational experience of immigrant students in the area. She is a board member for the local chapter of the Red Cross where she also serves as a Disaster Action Team.

She is also Curator of the Missing Peace Art Space (missingpeaceart.org) and past Board Member of the Dayton Human Relations Council.

She received the 2020 Patricia Rousseau community advocacy award, the 2017 Rwandan Community Service Award, and the 2016 Human Relations Council Award.

Gabriela’s goal is to promote long-term sustainable peace through a model of education that promotes conflict resolution without resorting to violence. Her focus of research is the education of mothers with newborns who have a history of chronic stress in their lives.The majority of mothers are immigrants from Latin America and Central Africa.

She is also conducting a comparative analysis of educational systems to identify evidence-based best practices for facilitating the learning process in young children.

Dr. Lizzie Alston, PhD.

Director of Theological Programs

Dr. Luonne Rouse, Academic Affairs

Minister Marie Rouse, Board of Trustees

Dr. Gregorio Agulan, The Vice-President

Dr. Sudheer Kumar Kondru, Board of Trustees